Sunday, 18 September 2016

I Can't Stop Riding

So what I've mainly been doing since the last post is riding. I had to break the naming scheme of these posts somehow.

With the sun being out every day and almost no uni work to do I've been making good use of my bike. I've actually only ridden Squamish and Mt Fromme, but a whole bunch of new trails that I haven't ridden before. The riding has truly been amazing and I'm having a blast.
'Ruperts' in Squamish was the location of the fabled trail gnome

The definite highlight was being show secret trails by some very, 'canadian' lets say, locals. I wish I'd filmed the trail as it was one of the craziest/scariest/funnest things I've ever ridden.

The tyre left a mark on my pants it was so steep
Also, I found the trail gnome. He gets placed near mountain bike trails in the area. When you find him, you take a picture and then move him somewhere else for the next person to find. A cool little game to play on the trails.

I also went to a band show in the spare room in a car repair garage, which was a first for me. The photo does little to show how small the area is and the entire building looks super dodgy. The show was amazing though.
This is basically the entire room in the photo, band to the left

This is more like the weather I've heard about
Eventually though, the weather did turn to crap. Unfortunately this meant missing out on a trip to Whistler as I didn't want to pay $$$$ to ride in the rain. Instead, I went to the Granville Island markets on the weekend, which were very expensive and busy. The Thunderbirds football game in the evening was just as boring as the first but I did have my first poutine!
Canadian delicacy

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